Monday 30 August 2010

The Church!!!

So I went to church yesterday.  Yes, keep reading, I know you are shocked.  Sarah, my roomamte from Canada, has her family visitng.  We woke up around 9, got dressesd, and then there was a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, french toast, and Tim Horton's coffee!!!!!! We were well fed and ready to spend the day at the Church.  Ashley in a leather dress, fringes, teased hair, black make-up, and funky jewllery, me in a short jean dress, black tights with holes in them, bright pink make-up, crazy eighties hair and wrist bands.  Yes, this is the kind of get up you wear to the Church in England.  The Church is an Australian bar that has a big party every sunday from 12-4, hence the name the Church.  Everyone dresses in costumes, has a few drinks, listens to some great music, and yes, watches some strippers, and since it is a long weekend here, there was a male stripper for the girls as well!!!

There were smurfs, bananas, pirates, santas, Hannibal Lecter??? can't spell haha, and many more.  There was always something to see.  By 4, we were exhausted but Sarah had some plans for us, we were dragged to the Walkabout which is a bar where everyone goes after the Church.  Craziness reigned again, and I tried a Snake Bite which is half beer, half cider, and a splash of black current.  Sounds gross, but was actually quite tasty.  We enjoyed a few beer baths, because apparently here it is okay to throw your beer around and soak the crowd!! 

Where else can you go out, dressed like you are from the eighties and start partying at 12 on a sunday?? I was getting some weird looks on the Tube, but by the time we reached our destination, I was the least of anyone's worries!!! I found Where's Waldo, Wolly over here!!! I also found some football players.  The costumes were hilarious and we had a great time.  We then hopped on the tube, met some random British guy, Sarah invited him along to the pub where we had some burgers and fries, sorry chips I mean.  By this time, 8:30 or so, myself and Ashley were absolutely exhausted so we decided to head home. While waiting for our bus we bought some Ben and Jerry's ice cream and ate it with smurf spoons which is the only way to describe the so-calle dutensils given to us by the store clerk.  Once home, we immediately got into bed, but couldn't fall asleep after our eventful day!!!

Today was a very lazy day, tomorrow, who knows??? Anything's possible.  Keep reading to find out!!!

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Buckingham Palace and 1st Night Out!!!

So, I knew the Palace was going to be huge, but wow!!! Its really hard to describe and since you are not allowed to take pics inside, I cannot show anyone what it looks like!!  The rooms are big, and decorated beautifully, even the visitor bathrooms, which I did take pictures of!  Basically it was four hours of walking around looking at paintings and furniture and wondering why these people get to live in a place like this! Also they charge about 30 pounds for a tour, you think they could just let everyone in for free  but nooooooooooo!

Anyways, after being told we were not allowed to eat in the grounds, walking around for hours, feet and backs killing, and trying to find guards to take pictures with, we decided to head home.  This is a lot easier said than done, for you see, we live in "Greater Londond" and it took us approximately an hour and fifteen minutes to get from the Palace to our house.  As most of you know, I usually am horrible with directions, but for some reason I was able to naviagte our way home quite easily.  We just hopped on the James St. Park tube, switched at the Victoria station to get on the Victoria line, switched at Oxford Circus to get on the Central Line, got off at Leytonstone to switch to the right tube to get to Redbridge Station, hopped on a bus after waiting for ten minutes, got off the bus at Cranbrook Road and walked the five minutes to our house.  Simple right??? Hahahah, and yes, I found our way home!!! Don't ask me how, I am just getting better at directions, and Facebook apparently since being here. 

Once home I had to take a nap, after we ordered two large pizzas, one each, and I ate half of one, yes me, ate half of a large pizza.  Ask Ashley if you don't believe me!! And it was delicious, from Domino's.  Once up, it was out for the night, with Sarah, our new roomate from Toronto.  Again, we had to get a bus which was detoured due to construction, so we had to ride the bus for about forty minutes into Redford?? I think!!  We then went into the pub, The Edge??  for some live music and pints!!  The music was fun, we met some of Sarah's teacher friends, and Ashley met some British boys!!  We were all talkking, and having a laugh, making fun of their accents, and then they tried to teach us how to speak properly, when all of a sudden things turned sour.  They were telling us that we lived in a horrible neighborhood, where he used to be in a gang.  I asked him whether it was the Bloods or the Crips (don't know if that's spelled correctly)  and he did not like that and started calling us names.  Then Sarah came up defending our neighborhood, and things got worse.  Apparently we are Mangy, French, American Cunts,  Who Knew?? Not me, I guess you learn something new every day!!!  Hahahah

Anyways, we tried not to let those guys ruin our night, and carried on to a gay bar where we danced to the Spice Girls!! That's right people, the Spice Girls.  We stayed for a bit and then me and Ashley decided to go home.  Sarah had told us where to get the bus so we followed her lead.  After another thirty minutes of waiting in the middle of a dark street, with very few people, our bus shows up.  We end up going past our stop, and then being frustrated I decided to hail a cab.  I guess I can only navigate during the day!!

Long story short, long day and night but funny experiences to write about.  Slept till four today but hey, that's pretty good, seeing how I haven't been sleeping that good.  Tomorrow, London, kareoke? Anything's possible here in England.  Stay posted!!

Monday 23 August 2010

First Week in England

It's hard to believe that I have already been in England for five days!!!  It seems to be flying by so fast.  Everyone seems to be hounding me for details, so I thought this would be the perfect way to let you all know what I am up to!

Night flight-what can I say, stuck between two people you don't know can be overwhelming, especially when you are afraid of flying!!!  It all worked out though.  With little or no slepp, me and Ashley arrived in Heathrow and headed through madness to meet our cab driver.  He was equipped with our new cell phones (or mobiles) and our duvets and pillows which actually looked and felt more like tissue poaper than anything else.  The house is beautiful and me and Ashley have big rooms, with double beds.  Ashley says my room is nicer but hey, she has a freaking sink in hers!!!

Met two roomates so far, a fellow Canadian and a South African.  Both seem nice, but the Canadain is who we will be partying with I think!! She has already invited us to an afternoon Aussie party this sunday called The Church.  Apparently everybody dresses in costume, so we have to think of something original!

So far, we have settled into the new house, scrubbed it clean, bought duvet covers, towels, etc... and basically made it feel as homey as possible.  We have explored our area and it is great that we have a lot of stores nearby, including a grocery store and a dollar, pound? store.  We are also very close to bus stations and tube stations. 

We have only been into London once and checked out Oxford Street.  I used great self control not to buy every article of clothing I saw!! I am sure I won't be able to hold out for long though.  :)   Today we visited our agency, TimePlan and met the people who will be finding us work.  Three hours later we left, after pretty much signing our lives away.  Tired again, now we have been sleeping terribly!!  That's all for now, tomorrow Buckingham Palace!